GRADING POLICY - General Characteristics of Grade Standards

The general characteristics of grade standards are as follows:

A  Advanced achievement of course concepts, content, skills, and processes. Written and oral work should be markedly accurate, logical, coherent, insightful, detailed, organized, and stylistically mature.


B  Proficient achievement of course concepts, content, skills, and processes. Written and oral work should be characterized by accuracy, logic, coherence, insight, detail, organization, originality, and effective style.


C  Basic achievement of course concepts, content, skills, and processes. Written and oral work should usually be accurate, logical, and coherent, with some use of effective detail, organization, originality, and insight. Style should be generally clear.


D  Shows minimal grasp of course concepts, content, skills, and processes. Written and/or oral work shows a minimum level of accuracy, logic, and coherence, with little if any effective detail, organization, originality, or insight. Style may be sometimes/frequently wordy and unclear.


                    F  Fails to meet the criteria above. Incomplete/inaccurate/unclear work.

Parental/Guardian Notification of Grades and Behavior

Twice a quarter, each student will receive a list of all grades in progress report form. Each report must be signed by a parent or a guardian and returned the day after it is received. Parents and students may also use InTouch to access grades at any time. If you would like to use this program, I will need your email address.


If a student is not performing well academically or behaviorally, his parent/guardian will notified by phone as well. A parent /teacher/counselor conference will be scheduled if necessary.


If a parent/guardian has any concerns, he/she may call me at 875-7012. In order for me to return the call as soon as possible, the parent/guardian needs to leave not only the number where he/she can be reached, but also the most convenient time to call. I request that all parents try to leave a number where they can be reached during school hours. If I cannot be reached at school, parents may call me at home (821-0867) or e-mail me at