Curriculum Standards - Author's Bias

Author’s Bias

Standard E2.2 The students will read and comprehend a variety of informational texts in print and nonprint formats.

Students in English 2 read informational (expository/persuasive/argumentative) texts of the following types: historical documents, research reports, essays (e.g., social, political, scientific, historical, natural history), position papers (e.g., persuasive brochures, campaign literature), editorials, letters to the editor, informational trade books, textbooks, news and feature articles, magazine articles, advertisements, journals, speeches, reviews (e.g., book, movie, product), contracts, instruction manuals, product-support materials, and application forms. They also read directions, schedules, and recipes, embedded in informational texts. In addition, they examine commercials, documentaries, and other forms of nonprint informational texts.

Indicator E2-2.3 Analyze informational texts for indicators of author’s bias such as word choice, the exclusion and inclusion of particular information, and unsupported information.

Explanation of Indicator

Author’s bias is a personal and largely unreasoned judgment either for or against a particular person, position, or thing; a prejudice. Word choice is the effective use of the words to enhance style, tone, or clarity in writing or speaking. It’s important to remember that bias can be favorable or unfavorable; bias can be used to sway an audience. A student might demonstrate an analysis of author’s bias by identifying images in a video that show the farming industry in a negative light.

E2-1.1 Compare/contrast ideas within and across literary texts to make inferences.

E2-1.3 Interpret devices of figurative language (including extended metaphor, oxymoron and paradox).

E2-1.5 Analyze the effect of the author’s craft (including tone and the use of imagery, flashback, foreshadowing, symbolism, irony, and allusion) on the meaning of literary texts.

E-2-1.7 Carry out independent reading for extended periods of time to derive pleasure.

E2-2.1 Compare/contrast themes within and across informational texts.

E2-2.2 Compare/contrast information within and across texts to draw conclusions and make inferences.

E2-2.5 Carry out independent reading for extended periods of time to gain information.

E2-2.8 Analyze the informational texts to identify propaganda techniques.

E2-3.3 Interpret the connotations of words to understand the meaning of a given text.

E2-4.3 Create multiple-paragraph compositions that have an introduction and a conclusion, include coherent thesis, and use support such as definitions and descriptions.

E2-5.1 Produce clear and concise career-oriented/ technical writings such as business letters, resumes, technical reports, and informational analyses.

E2-5.2 Create narratives such as personal essays, memoirs, and narrative poems that use descriptive language to enhance character and setting.

E2-5.4 Create persuasive writings such as editorials, essays, speeches, or reports that address a specific audience and support a clearly stated thesis with facts, statistics, and/or first-hand accounts.

E2-6.5 Create written works and oral and visual presentations that are designed for the particular audience and purpose.

E2-6.8 Design and carry out research projects by selecting a topic, constructing inquiry questions, accessing resources, and organizing information.